Homestead Land Holdings Ltd. Successful in Ontario Superior Court of Justice Decision
On June 17, 2022, the Ontario Superior Court of Justice (Divisional Court) released its decision in Frontenac Heritage Foundation v. Homestead Land Holdings Ltd., concerning two proposed high-rise buildings in downtown Kingston. The Court denied Frontenac’s motion for leave to appeal, concluding that the Ontario Land Tribunal did not make any extricable errors of law in its decision to allow the construction sites to proceed.
The Ontario Land Tribunal, in its decision, framed its consideration of the proposed redevelopment in terms of the need to balance heritage and intensification. The proposed buildings will be erected on brownfield lots currently used for parking, in an area designated for intensification.
Aird & Berlis represented Homestead Land Holdings Ltd. at both the original Ontario Land Tribunal hearing and on the motion for leave to appeal, with a team including Timothy Hill and Eileen Costello.