Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies & ICOs
- Overview
- Who To Contact
- Representative Matters
- Recent Developments
Blockchain technology has the potential to transform the way that business is done. Entire supply chains can interact with – and be recorded on – blockchains, resulting in increased transparency, better “just in time” delivery, reduced fraud, “self-auditing” recording of facts and data, and simplified (and faster) payment methods. In the financial services industry, blockchains can dramatically reduce transaction costs and processing times. Securities can be tokenized and registered on blockchains, as now permitted in Delaware, allowing for increased liquidity, quicker settlement, more effective stockholder democracy and reduced transaction fees.
While Bitcoin may be the best known cryptocurrency, there are over 1,400 cryptocurrencies available for purchase and trade. Ethereum’s blockchain technology allows users to create “smart contracts” that can allow parties to complete certain kinds of transactions without the need for a third party intermediary. Ripple is being used by hundreds of financial institutions as they attempt to transform how individuals and businesses transfer money within a given country and across borders. Other cryptocurrencies have been developed to address privacy and anonymity concerns.
In 2017, over US$3.7 billion dollars was raised through initial coin offerings (ICOs), as blockchain enthusiasts, investors, and speculators purchased tokens from issuers. Some coins have dramatically increased in value, while others have plummeted in value as speculation proved misguided. Regulators have struggled to understand and regulate the new world of ICOs, and the result is a patchwork of regulatory approaches taken by governments around the world, with some governments regarding tokens as securities, others as currencies, others as just another asset class, and yet others as commodities. As for “smart contracts,” these are essentially not regulated (except as contracts) and must be regarded as being in the very earliest stages of use.
Why Aird & Berlis?
Aird & Berlis’ knowledgeable and experienced legal team helps clients navigate this challenging and exciting space. Our lawyers can assist with a broad range of legal and business issues relating to blockchain technology, cryptocurrencies and ICOs. Our Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies & ICOs Group combines leading lawyers from technology, securities, privacy, banking, intellectual property and commercial practices. Some recent highlights include advising on a private placement for an integrated renewable energy producer and cryptocurrency miner, document design for blockchain implementation, and patent prosecution for cryptocurrency.
Our lawyers are thought leaders in this space and are regularly called upon to speak at conferences and seminars around the world. We frequently write articles on this topic for industry publications and The Spotlight.
How We Can Help
We can assist clients with respect to:
- Developing and implementing blockchain business solutions
- Launching ICOs and ITOs (initial token offerings)
- Creation of smart contracts
- Securities law compliance
- Tokenization of securities and capital markets transactions
- Formation and structuring of investment funds
- Cybersecurity
- Internet of Things
- Establishment of cryptocurrency exchanges
- Know your client (KYC) and anti-money laundering (AML) compliance
- Privacy and data security
- Supply chain logistics
- Intellectual property solutions
- Services agreements pertaining to any of the above
BioFull bio
Don offers his clients more than legal advice – he enjoys getting to know them and uncovering their goals in order to offer the right advice.
Group Members
Representative Matters
Spectra7 Microsystems Inc. Completes $15.3 Million Bought Deal Offering
Spectra7 Microsystems Inc. , a leading provider of high-performance analog semiconductor products for broadband connectivity markets, recently completed a $15.3 million bought deal public offering of ... -
Blockchain Power Trust Closes $43 Million Brokered Private Placement and Acquisition of 45MW Wind Power Project
On January 8, 2018, Blockchain Power completed a brokered private placement of 90,047,832 units at a price of $0.48 per unit for gross proceeds of approximately $43 million (the “Offering”). Each unit...
Recent Developments
Enforcing Crypto-Litigation Orders: Practical Difficulties Seen in Cicada 137 LLC v. Medjedovic
This case comment both summarizes the factual background present in Cicada and provides readers with helpful tips for insolvency and civil litigators on how to actually enforce and recover against sto... -
Virtual Collateral 101: How to Take and Enforce Security Over Cryptocurrencies, Crypto-Assets and Central Bank Digital Currencies
This article aims to break down issues of categorization to propose answers to the questions of how security over cryptocurrencies, other crypto-assets and CBDCs can best be attached, perfected, prote... -
Incoming Deadline Looms for Crypto Asset Trading Platforms to Comply With New Requirements
The Canadian Securities Administrators has reacted to recent high-profile insolvencies occurring in the cryptocurrency market by announcing its intention to increase and strengthen its oversight of cr... -
Firm News
Aird & Berlis Welcomes Nine New Partners
Aird & Berlis is pleased to announce that Meaghan Barrett, Jacob Brown, Holly Cunliffe, Alex Kagan, Amy Marcen-Gaudaur, Dasha Peregoudova, Stefan Radovanovich, Russell Sanders and Leah Silber have bec... -
Discussion on the Metaverse: Part 2
- 04:00 PMThe metaverse has the potential to transform the internet and following in its path will be a major challenge to data security and privacy. The metaverse is a sizeable database of personal and privat... -
News Item
Aird & Berlis Welcomes New Partner Adam Braun
We are pleased to announce that Adam Braun has joined the firm as a partner and member of our Capital Markets and Corporate/Commercial Groups. -
Historic NFT Insider Trading Charges in U.S. of Relevance to Canadian Operators
On June 1, 2022, the United States Department of Justice (“DOJ”) laid the first-ever insider trading charges in relation to digital assets. The accused, Nathaniel Chastain, was arrested in... -
Miramax Sues Quentin Tarantino to Stop Sale of Pulp Fiction NFTs
Quentin Tarantino—the legendary director behind Reservoir Dogs, Kill Bill and Once Upon a Time In Hollywood—is now in the midst of a legal dispute with Miramax over his planned sale of non-fungible to... -
Uncovering Canadian Cryptocurrency Challenges
- 02:30 PMACCESS ARCHIVEEncrypted digital currencies - or cryptocurrencies - have risen in popularity as the world of international commerce moves faster than ever. Our society is increasingly digital and crypt... -
Bought an NBA Top Shot NFT? What Did You Actually Buy?
2021 has seen NFTs, or “Non-Fungible Tokens,” become the centre of attention in the worlds of sport, investing and blockchain. A catalyst for this rise in popularity is NBA Top Shot, a new form of lic... -
Firm News
Aird & Berlis Tax Lawyers Contribute to Taxation of Crypto Assets Book
Taxation of Crypto Assets is a premier resource for tax lawyers, tax practitioners, government officials, advisors, investors, issuers, users of crypto assets and taxation academics who are seeking in... -
Facebook’s New Digital Currency
On June 19, Facebook announced plans to launch a new digital currency, Libra, which will allow users to make online payments via digital wallets as soon as early next year. -
Tales from the Crypt(ocurrency)
The cryptocurrency fad has started to enter the legal mainstream. Unusually, this has happened in the context of a mysterious death. In a case of a mistaken transfer of cryptocurrency tokens, the Bri... -
The Ultimate Blockchain Patent Teardown
As a patent practitioner, one of the questions I often get asked is whether distributed ledger technology (DLT), such as blockchain, is patentable. I naturally respond in the affirmative (with some q... -
Malware, Malfeasance and the Network Effect
- 10:00 AMJoin Aird & Berlis legal experts, Stephen Zolf and Don Johnston, along with the principal risk advisor at Informatica, Claudiu Popa, as they discuss the intersection of net neutrality, malware and mal... -
The Power of Blockchain in Business
- 10:00 AMThe number of companies interested in using blockchain has exploded, and businesses are changing the way they run their day-to-day operations. There are, however, still a few common misconceptions re...