Tammy A. Evans

Partner Admitted to the Ontario Bar: 2002

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  • Bio
  • Awards & Recognition
  • Professional Involvement
  • Selected Speaking Engagements
  • Selected Publications
  • Insights
  • Education

Land owners, developers, builders, landlords and institutional/private lenders regularly seek out Tammy’s expertise to assist with all aspects of mixed-use and condominium development and construction contract drafting and negotiation. With more than 30 years serving the industry from the private and public sectors, Tammy delivers a solid, practical and business-oriented legal foundation for her clients through all stages of land development and construction. Her clients rely on her depth of knowledge of the development industry as well as her business and legal insight to meet their development and construction needs. From project conception to contract and operational matters, Tammy brings a unique perspective and set of skills to her practice.

Tammy is a member of the firm’s Real Estate Group and Co-Chair of the firm's Condominium Group. She acts as counsel to large- and small-scale developers and builders of residential, commercial, resort and mixed-use developments. Tammy brings extensive expertise in guiding developers and builders through Tarion registration and reporting requirements, construction contract best practices and risk allocation, overseeing more than 2,500 condominium closings annually. She also acts as liaison for industry associations and clients in condominium reform initiatives.

As a seasoned practitioner, Tammy dedicates her after-hours to important industry initiatives. For example,  as President of the Canadian Association of Women in Construction, Tammy led an initiative to improve women’s advancement into leadership roles within the Canadian construction industry. The Level Best Women’s Advancement Project was a 36-month research and action plan project aimed at addressing the historical and pervasive inequality of women’s participation in the Canadian construction industry. The end of the three-year project led to the issuance of the Level Best Industry Action Plan, which was designed specifically for employers, unions, industry associations, education institutions and all levels of government/government agencies. In addition, Tammy currently sits on the Advisory Board of the Building Industry and Land Development Association (BILD), where she provides input and advice to BILD’s Board of Directors.

Prior to being called to the Ontario Bar, Tammy owned and operated a successful land development consulting and project management business for more than 15 years, assisting many commercial and residential developers across Ontario to achieve their high- and low-density development and construction objectives. Tammy also worked in the Ontario public sector, acting as legal counsel to the then-Ministry of Consumer and Business Services, providing legal advice to land registry offices across Ontario as well as to the Ministry’s various program areas. While at the Ministry, Tammy played an integral role in soliciting and reviewing stakeholder comments, drafting legislation and briefing the Minister on real estate and condominium industry matters, resulting in substantively updated legislation for the condominium industry. Tammy also served as Deputy Director of Titles, adjudicating disputes between landowners as well as applications for compensation from the Land Titles Assurance Fund. She remains actively involved in public policy matters through advice and submissions to government ministries and agencies on behalf of clients in the real estate and construction industries. 

Tammy is often quoted in the press and presents regularly on matters of importance to the development industry, keeping her clients abreast of current trends, important court decisions and legal development requirements.



Awards & Recognition

  • Best of the Best Community Leader Award from the Toronto Construction Association, 2015
  • MicroSkills Margot Franssen Leadership Award, 2014
  • Certificate of Public Service from the Province of Ontario for helping design provincial qualifications for condominium managers, 2014

Professional Involvement

Professional Activities

  • Building Industry and Land Development Association (BILD), Advisory Board Member
  • Canadian Association of Women in Construction (CAWIC), Immediate Past President and Treasurer


  • Law Society of Ontario
  • Women’s Law Association of Ontario
  • Ontario Home Builders’ Association (OHBA)
  • Canadian Home Builders’ Association (CHBA)
  • Women’s Executive Network
  • Canadian Association of Women Executives and Entrepreneurs
  • Professional Women’s Symposium Association

Community Involvement

  • Donor, Canadian Women’s Foundation (CWF)
  • Leader, Hospital for Sick Kids

Selected Speaking Engagements

Panellist, "Condo 201 Workshop," BILD Toronto, February 6, 2025.

Panellist, "Condo 101 Workshop: The Foundations," August 20, 2024.

Speaker, 20th Real Estate Summit, April 19, 2023.

Speaker, "The Duty of Good Faith Contract Performance v. The Duty of Exercise Contractual Discretions," LandPro Conference, March 2, 2023. 

Speaker, "Condominium Development in Ontario: Legislative Updates, Best Practices and Market Trends," Aird & Berlis LLP Condominium Development Webinar, September 15, 2022.

Speaker, "Tarion and the New Home Construction Regulatory Authority (HCRA): What Every Vendor and Purchaser Should Know about the New Legislation," 18th Real Estate Law Summit, April 19, 2021.

Speaker, "Understanding the Tarion Mandatory First Page for New Condo Agreements, Unavoidable Delay Notices, and Pre-Delivery Inspections Protocols: The New Normal,” 17th Real Estate Law Summit, October 19, 2020.

Speaker, "Development Charges Recovery in the APS and Higher Cost Adjustments and Other Recoveries on Closing," Land PRO Conference, March 4, 2020.

Speaker, "Condominiums:  What’s New and What’s Coming," 16th Real Estate Law Summit, April 10, 2019.

Moderator, "Networking Outside the Boys Club - Lead-Generating and Business Development," November 15, 2018.

Panellist, "The Canadian Real Estate Industry: Soaring to New Heights," Aird & Berlis LLP Real Estate Webinar, October 31, 2018.

Speaker, "Easements for Real Estate and Municipal Lawyers: Level II," October 6, 2016.

Moderator, "High-Rise Forum: Condo 101," September 14, 2016.

Panellist, "Women in Construction," April 10, 2015.

Panellist, "Condo 101: What You Need to Know from Start to Finish," November 26, 2014.

Panellist, "Women in the Trades: Knocking Down Walls," November 6, 2014.

Presenter, "Planning and Development Policy Changes: Panacea or Pothole?" February 26, 2014.

Selected Publications

"HCRA Notice Re: Mandatory Inclusion of Amended Condominium Information Sheet and Licence Application Forms," June 30, 2022.

"What’s New at Tarion Commencing February 1, 2021," January 20, 2021.

"New Obligation for Condominium Developers Coming Into Force on January 1, 2021," November 19, 2020.

"A seasoned development lawyer infused with determination and authority, " Daily Commercial News features Tammy Evans, July 18, 2016.

“Termination of Agreement under section 112 of the Condominium Act, 1998 – Not So Fast,” January 12, 2016.

“Ontario Introduces New Condo Legislation Today!, May 27, 2015.

“Update on Condominium Act, 1998 Review,” June 24, 2014.

“Further Update on Condominium Act Review,” February 4, 2014.

“New CCDC Design-Build Contracts,” November 7, 2013.

“Further Update on Condominium Act Review,” November 7, 2013.

“Update on Canada Post Fees for CMB Installation,” February 6, 2013.

“Update on the Condominium Act Review,” October 29, 2012.

“Tarion Revised Builder Bulletins 24 and 27: Good and Bad News for Developers,” July 5, 2012.

“Is Your Notice to Purchaser Sufficient to Avoid Delayed Closing Compensation Under Tarion?,” July 5, 2012.

“Alert: Tarion Revised Addendum Forms for Freehold and Condominium,” July 5, 2012.


LLB, Osgoode Hall Law School, 2000