Monty Warsh

Partner* Admitted to the Ontario Bar: 1985

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*Practising as a professional corporation
  • Bio
  • Awards & Recognition
  • Professional Involvement
  • Selected Speaking Engagements
  • Insights
  • Education

A distinguished legal expert in commercial leasing, Monty is dedicated to fostering dynamic partnerships with his clients. His experience spans nearly four decades and includes facilitating entry into Canada for many high-profile U.S. retailers, including those in the fashion, hospitality and technology sectors. Attentive to the increasing demands and pace of business today, Monty is committed to delivering the advice clients need when they need it. Clients trust him to treat their issues as if they were his own.

Monty is the Practice Group Leader of the firm's Real Estate Group. With extensive experience in drafting, negotiating and successfully concluding all forms of lease documentation, he acts on behalf of landlords, tenants, lenders and property managers. In addition to his commercial and retail leasing experience, Monty also has expertise in advising solar providers in preparing, negotiating and concluding licences and rooftop agreements.

Monty frequently participates as an instructor, panellist and lecturer for industry programs and conferences, including The Real Estate Strategy & Leasing Conference and those hosted by the International Council of Shopping Centers and the Law Society of Ontario.

Awards & Recognition

  • Appears in The Canadian Legal Lexpert Directory as a leading lawyer in the area of Property Leasing
  • Recognized in The Best Lawyers in Canada in Commercial Leasing Law and Real Estate Law

Professional Involvement

Professional Activities

  • Chairperson, ICSC Canadian Law Conference (2003 – 2005)


  • International Council of Shopping Centers

Selected Speaking Engagements

"Leasing," REALPAC Law in Commercial Real Estate, September 2023-2024.

"But You're Irreplaceable! Negotiating Assignment and Subletting Provisions in a Complex Economy," ICSC+Canadian Law Conference, May 4, 2023.

"Leasing," REALPAC 2019 Law in Commercial Real Estate, September 26, 2019.

"Lease Negotiations in Canada v. USA — Any Difference?," U.S. Shopping Center Law Conference, October 28, 2016.

"Leasing in Down Markets: Strategies for Challenged Nodes," The Real Estate Strategy & Leasing Conference, October 6, 2016.


  • LLB, University of Ottawa, 1983