Megan Percy

Senior Manager, Student & Associate Programs
  • she / her / hers
Admitted to the Ontario Bar: 2019

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  • Bio
  • Professional Involvement
  • Education

Megan is the firm's Senior Manager of Student & Associate Programs. She works on all aspects of the firm’s student program, including the recruitment, supervision and professional development of summer and articling students, and liaising with law schools. Megan also supports the firm’s associate program, including career development, performance reviews, mentoring, coaching and lateral recruitment.

Before joining Aird & Berlis, Megan was an associate at another leading full-service Bay Street law firm in its Dispute Resolution Group. In addition to managing a busy commercial litigation practice, Megan was actively involved in its student program, serving as a mentor, speaking at law school student events and participating in student recruitment.

Megan has a JD from Osgoode Hall Law School, where she received a number of academic awards and was a top-ranked mooter. She also has a Bachelor of Arts (Honours, with High Distinction) from the University of Toronto. 

Megan is a member of the firm’s Diversity & Inclusion Committee.

Professional Involvement


  • Canadian Bar Association
  • Ontario Bar Association
  • National Association for Law Placement (NALP)


  • JD, Osgoode Hall Law School, 2018
  • BA (Honours, with High Distinction), University of Toronto, 2015