Martin Henderson

Partner Admitted to the Ontario Bar: 1985

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  • Bio
  • Awards & Recognition
  • Professional Involvement
  • Insights
  • Education

Martin’s clients are a testament to his success as a business litigator. They trust his judgment and rely on his careful analysis of both fact and law. As a creative thinker, he designs solutions and manages the litigation process to protect their rights and meet their high expectations. Martin is an excellent communicator with the ability to effectively represent his clients’ positions in court or before tribunals.

Martin is a member of the firm's Litigation Group. His practice involves the negotiation, litigation and resolution of commercial disputes, the avoidance and determination of conflicts with governments and Indigenous Nations, and protecting his clients' rights in environmental disputes. Martin is frequently engaged as a negotiator and advisor in project development and commercial contexts, and as an advocate in public policy consultations.

Martin has decades of experience advising his clients on disputes involving shareholder and partnership rights; franchise disputes; corporate, commercial and securities law issues; real estate, land tenure, construction, financing, leasing and development disputes; the enforcement of contractual rights and creditors' interests; environmental matters; professional liability; the law of fiduciaries; intrusive government regulation and behaviour; and commercial torts.

He has appeared as counsel in many proceedings before every level of court in Ontario, the Alberta Court of King's Bench, the Federal Court of Canada, the Federal Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court of Canada, as well as before many administrative tribunals, arbitration panels and in mediations.

Awards & Recognition

  • Recognized by Benchmark Litigation Canada as a Litigation Star in Securities, Commercial, Municipal Law and Aboriginal areas

Professional Involvement

Professional Activities

  • After his appointment by the Chief Justice of Ontario in 1995, Martin served four terms as a member of the Ontario Civil Rules of Court Standing Committee, along with 16 Judges and 11 other litigation practitioners from across the province of Ontario. The committee determines the Rules of Court governing civil litigation proceedings in Ontario, and recommends legislative changes affecting the litigation process.
  • A regular participant in public-private forums, conventions and seminars. He was a business delegate member of the Mayor of Toronto’s European Trade Mission.
  • A regular speaker, panelist and participant at various continuing legal education forums, seminars and conventions.
  • An experienced presenter at Parliamentary Standing Committees considering legislative changes and regulatory implementation.


  • Toronto Lawyers Association

Teaching Engagements

  • Prior instructor in the Civil Litigation section of the Bar Admissions Course.


  • LLB, University of Toronto, 1983
  • BA (Hons, with High Distinction), Trinity College, University of Toronto, 1980
  • St. Andrew's College, 1976