Kristen Shorer

Summer Student
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Kristen summered at the firm in 2022. She recently completed her second year at the University of Toronto Faculty of Law and holds Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from Wilfrid Laurier University. Kristen achieved High Distinction in her undergraduate studies and, in her final year, presented her research at an international academic conference in Copenhagen. Kristen continued to pursue her research interests in her postgraduate studies, completing a SSHRC-funded Master of Arts in Cultural Analysis and Social Theory, and receiving the Governor General’s Gold Medal for the highest academic standing in her program. Kristen was an active member of the Laurier community, and held roles as a Teaching Assistant and Writing Centre Tutor. During her summers, Kristen worked at a strategic consulting firm where she assisted in marketing and organizational culture projects. Prior to attending law school, Kristen worked on the Paid Search team at Publicis Media. During law school, Kristen volunteered with Pro Bono Students Canada and competed as an oralist in the Stewart Cup Moot. She also completed an Upper Year Research Project on Hegel’s Philosophy of Right, under the supervision of Professor Alan Brudner. In her spare time, Kristen enjoys listening to Taylor Swift, working out and reading.