Jay M. Millman, P. Eng.

Patent Agent | Partner

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  • Bio
  • Awards & Recognition
  • Professional Involvement
  • Selected Speaking Engagements
  • Education

Jay is a registered patent agent in Canada and the United States, with extensive experience in mechanical, electromechanical and software-related technologies. His technical background and hands-on engineering experience allow him to speak with engineers and inventors as a genuine peer and to thoroughly understand the technical merit of an invention, which is key to securing strong patent protection. His combined engineering and patent skills have attracted clients that include a number of leading multinational companies in Canada and abroad across many industries, including automotive (both internal combustion and electric vehicles), space and aerospace technologies, toys and recreation, injection molding systems, sports equipment, self-balancing personal transportation, electric motors, mechatronics, power generation, construction industry devices and systems and fibre optics.

Jay is a partner of Aird & McBurney LP. His practice focuses on drafting and prosecution of patent applications and industrial design applications; patent infringement; freedom-to-operate and validity analyses; and due diligence in relation to license agreements and IP-related purchase agreements. He also guides clients on matters relating to global IP strategy.

Throughout his career, Jay has delivered numerous seminars on IP strategy across various sectors, including the space and automotive industries. His presentations provide practical guidance for companies developing their IP strategies, along with insights on a wide range of other topics. Prior to joining Aird & McBurney, Jay founded and led a boutique patent and trademark firm. He also spent several years as the head of the Automotive Patent Group at a large intellectual property firm in Toronto.

Awards & Recognition

  • Recognized in IAM Patent 1000 – The World's Leading Patent Professionals 

Professional Involvement


  • American Intellectual Property Law Association (AIPLA)
  • Intellectual Property Institute of Canada (IPIC)
  • International Federation of Intellectual Property Attorneys (FICPI)
  • Mensa Canada
  • Professional Engineers Ontario (PEO)
  • Toronto Intellectual Property Group (TIPG)

Selected Speaking Engagements

Jay has been invited to give talks at events on behalf of a number of organizations, including Professional Engineers Ontario, the Automobile Parts Manufacturers Association, the City of Toronto and the City of Markham. He has also been a guest lecturer in intellectual property law at Osgoode Hall.


  • Registered Patent Agent (United States), 2003
  • Registered Patent Agent (Canada), 2002
  • P. Eng., 1995
  • B.A.Sc. (Honours), Mechanical Engineering, University of Waterloo, 1991