Faye Kravetz TEP

  • she / her / hers
Admitted to the Ontario Bar: 2009
Admitted to the New York Bar: 2007

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  • Bio
  • Awards & Recognition
  • Professional Involvement
  • Education

Faye is an experienced tax lawyer who helps her clients understand their legal issues by demystifying complex legal concepts. She is a creative problem solver and takes a communicative and empathetic approach in her work. Her profound knowledge of tax trends and issues allows her to arrive at the best possible outcomes for her clients.

Faye is a member of the firm’s Tax, Estates & Trusts and Tax Controversy/Tax Litigation Groups. She advises in the areas of tax planning and tax dispute work for high-net-worth individuals, as well as for business structures, including private corporations, trusts and partnerships.

Faye previously practised at the Canada Revenue Agency, where she worked as an Industry Specialist in the Income Tax Rulings Directorate and as a National Avoidance Technical Advisor in the Abusive Tax Avoidance and Technical Support Division. Having provided strategic and technical support to government groups through these roles, including the Department of Justice and the Department of Finance, Faye has developed extensive expertise in understanding the operations of the CRA. This allows her to adeptly guide clients through various levels of CRA communications and disputes. Her comprehensive experience working with stakeholders across all levels of government has also added to Faye’s thorough understanding of Canada’s tax system.

Awards & Recognition

  • Recognized in The Best Lawyers in Canada in the field of Trusts and Estates
  • Received the TEP designation with STEP Canada

Professional Involvement


  • Canadian Jewish Political Affairs Committee
  • Law Society of Ontario
  • Canadian Bar Association
  • Ontario Bar Association
  • Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP)


  • JD, University of Toronto, 2006
  • MBA, University of Toronto, 2006
  • B.Sc. (Pure Mathematics), University of Western Ontario, 2002
  • Foundation Year Program, University of King’s College, 2000