Carrie Johnstone-Terrey

Law Clerk

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  • Bio
  • Professional Involvement
  • Education

Carrie is a law clerk in the firm’s Corporate/Commercial Group. Her experience includes matters related to limited partnerships, professional corporations, continuances, amalgamations, amendments, incorporations, dissolutions, redemptions, as well as share purchase and asset transactions.  Carrie is skilled at completing documents for minute book reviews, business name registrations/renewals, extra-provincial registrations, annual returns, annual proceedings, dividend documents, share issuances/transfers, share options and corporate searches. Carrie is also responsible for minute book and corporate database maintenance.

Professional Involvement


  • Institute of Law Clerks of Ontario 


  • Law Clerk Diploma Program, Seneca College, 2003
  • Court and Tribunal Agent (High Honours), Seneca College, 1999
  • BA, Brock University, 1997