What’s Next for the Ontario Energy Board?

The final months of 2017 have seen a flurry of activity around the future direction and focus of the Ontario Energy Board (OEB).
The Ontario Government has issued its 2017 Long-Term Energy Plan (2017 LTEP) setting out plans and priorities for the coming years. The Ontario Government has also created an expert “Modernization Panel” to review the OEB and report back by the end of 2018. The OEB itself has issued a “Strategic Blueprint” setting out areas of focus for 2017 to 2022. A main focus in each of these initiatives is the need for the OEB to understand, accommodate and facilitate evolution of the regulated utility sector in the face of technological changes. An important backdrop to all of this is the upcoming Ontario election in June 2018. Depending on the outcome of the voting, there may be a shift in OEB focus and priorities.
David Stevens examines these items in the March 2018 issue of Energy Regulation Quarterly. To read the article, click here.