Tech Lending: What Are IP Assets?
This article is the second in a series providing an
overview of critical considerations for commercial lenders contemplating
whether to finance a tech company and how such loans can be secured.
For lenders to fully understand and address the risks of
investing in a business, it is crucial to understand the business’s assets and
what steps the company is taking to preserve and leverage the value of such
assets. This will allow the lender to determine what collateral might be
available as security to minimize investment risk.
For tech companies, the most valuable assets are almost
always intangible assets: the business’s proprietary information and
intellectual property (IP) interests. This type of collateral is inherently
difficult to value.
While there are particular valuation challenges common to all
IP interests, not all IP is created equally. Trademarks, copyrights, patents
and trade secrets require different value-preservation strategies. Lenders
should be aware of these differences to accurately assess whether a business is
taking appropriate steps to maximize and safeguard its value.
Trademarks are a form of IP that protects a brand’s identity
and goodwill. The most common trademarks are names and logos, but other brand
identifiers – like packaging, designs, or even sounds – can also be
Securing appropriate trademarks is a fundamental step in an
effective branding strategy and should be top of mind for all businesses,
including tech companies. Registering trademarks is one of the essential steps
a new business can take to build its brand value. While Canadian law does offer
some protection to owners of unregistered marks, these protections are of
limited use, especially to new businesses. For example, to successfully assert
rights in unregistered trademarks, the owner will have to demonstrate that the
public associates the mark with the company’s brand. By contrast, if a
trademark is registered, the owner presumptively has the exclusive right to use
it throughout Canada, and any use of the mark by another person in association
with the same or similar goods or services, which causes public confusion, will
be considered infringement.
Lenders and investors interested in the business should
ensure they understand the company’s steps to protect its brand. Has it registered
trademarks for its brand identifiers on critical products and services? Has it
checked whether its brand identifiers are similar to any already used by other
companies? Inadvertently utilizing a trademark which is the same or similar to
a competitor’s trademark could result in confused customers and legal
Copyright naturally arises in literary, artistic, dramatic
and musical works upon their creation and without registration. Under Canadian
law, computer code is considered a literary work. Tech companies’ most
important properties involve copyright.
The most critical issue concerning copyright is ownership.
Ordinarily, the copyright’s original owner is the work’s creator. The question
of ownership becomes more complicated however, when a copyright work is created
in the course of business. Canadian law provides a limited exception to creator
ownership where works are created by an employee in the course of employment.
In that event, unless there is an agreement indicating otherwise, the copyright
in the work is owned by the employer. However, many tech startups’ early
properties, in particular, are not created by employees per se but by the
business’s founders or in collaboration with contractors. Investors must
perform due diligence to ensure that copyright assignments have been properly
executed and to identify whether the prospective borrower in fact owns the
rights to the properties it claims. It is sometimes advisable to register
copyright as evidence of ownership.
Further concerns arise when a company’s proprietary software
includes source code developed by another party. Some open-source licences do
not permit commercial use, while others require any use of open-source software
to also be made open-source. Lenders should also inquire whether the business
has secured appropriate licences and permissions for any third-party software
or code used in its products before reaching conclusions about a product’s
A patent is a time-limited monopoly granted by the
government. The patent allows the patent owner to exclude others from making,
using or selling the patented invention, typically for 20 years from the filing
date of the patent application. Patents are jurisdictional, meaning that a
patent application must be filed and be granted in each country in which
protection is desired.
Not all inventions are patentable. To patent an invention, it
must be new, non-obvious and useful. It must be directed to patentable subject
matter. For example, disembodied ideas, scientific principles and abstract
theorems are not considered patentable subject matter. In the tech area,
software-related inventions are a complicated and evolving area of law. While
actual software code cannot be protected by a patent in Canada, the functional
aspects of the software can be patentable, provided those functional aspects
are new, non-obvious, useful and otherwise comply with the other legal
Businesses that intend to patent their inventions must be
meticulous in safeguarding their invention at all development stages, at least
until a patent application is filed. Investors in companies that depend on
obtaining patents as part of their business model should ensure that the
company has implemented robust measures to prevent unauthorized disclosure,
especially prior to filing a patent application. Further, lenders should
inquire as to whether the company has obtained proper advice regarding the
patentability of the invention. Lenders should also inquire into how the
company will adapt its business model (i.e., improvements) once the patents on
its flagship inventions expire. Importantly, a patent provides the patent owner
with an exclusionary right (i.e., exclude others from practising the
invention). A patent does not provide the patent owner the right to freely
practise the invention as other third-party patent rights may prevent this. In
view of this, lenders should consider obtaining a freedom-to-operate opinion to
determine whether the company has the right to freely practise their invention.
Trade Secrets
Trade secrets are a subset of every business’s confidential
information. There is no statutory protection in Canada for trade secrets.
Companies protect trade secrets by implementing measures to guard against
unprotected disclosure. Companies that rely on trade secrets to obtain a market
advantage must take deliberate, proactive steps for this strategy to be viable.
At the least, the company should have appropriate confidentiality agreements
with its employees and third-party contractors. It should also have robust
physical and electronic data security protocols in place. If a company cannot
demonstrate that it took effective steps to keep its information confidential,
it will struggle to take legal action against a party that appropriates that
information. Investors should inquire into the business’s measures to protect
its information.
Of course, in practical terms, nothing works better than
having happy employees. For this reason, a disgruntled co-founder or key
employee is a big red flag.
Knowing how different kinds of IP work and how ownership
interests are protected at law enables lenders to assess the value of a
business’s intangible assets and overall viability. Lenders should proceed with
caution if a tech company does not take appropriate measures to safeguard and
maximize the value of its IP assets. The best idea in the world will not
benefit a business that fails to protect it.
If you require assistance with any matter or question related to tech lending, please reach out to a member of our Financial Services Group. For further information on IP, contact a member of Aird & McBurney, our intellectual property boutique firm.
More articles in this series:
- Tech Lending: Why Are Tech Companies So Hard to Value? (
- Tech Lending: Due Diligence Issues (
- Tech Lending: Software as a Service (
- Tech Lending: How to Register Security Interests in IP (
- Tech Lending: Types of Debt for SaaS Providers (