Discussion on the Metaverse
CPD for Lawyers: 1 Substantive Hour

External Speakers:
Corey Kovnats - VP of Web3 Technology - dapphaus
Recent years have seen a tremendous surge in investments, media attention and business initiatives on the Metaverse, particularly by the top U.S. technology and gaming corporations. Some estimates have pegged the Metaverse industry to be worth more than US$800 billion by 2030. Before gaming giant Roblox filed for an initial public offering in October 2020, the “Metaverse” appeared only five times in U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission filings. Since then, the term found mention more than 260 times in 2021 and more than 1,100 times in the first six months of this year.
Topics include:
- How is the Metaverse likely to evolve?
- Challenges to and possibilities of interoperability in the Metaverse;
- How will music licensing and rights clearances change in the Metaverse?
- How will copyright collectives respond? Can they?