Update on Nova Scotia Tidal Power Project

The joint venture between Ireland-based OpenHydro and Nova Scotia Power affiliate Emera, known as Cape Sharp Tidal, is moving forward with plans for a fully grid-connected tidal array in the Bay of Fundy. One 2MW turbine is scheduled to be deployed by the end of 2015 with a second turbine to be deployed in early 2016.
Nova Scotia continues to promote the development of tidal resources in the Bay of Fundy. In July of 2015, the province announced a renewed partnership with British Columbia to develop tidal energy on the west and east coasts. Representatives of both provinces signed a memorandum of understanding setting out key priorities, including partnering on research and technology development and sharing both information and best practices in regulation and permitting.
The economic benefits of the Cape Sharp Tidal project are expected to be felt throughout the region. Cape Sharp Tidal estimates that its project will create 950 direct and indirect jobs. Cape Sharp Tidal has already awarded contracts worth several million dollars to three Nova Scotian companies for the fabrication for the turbine components, development of the barge which will deploy the turbines and the design and manufacture of the heavy lift winches to be used to lower the turbine from the barge into the water.
The Province of Nova Scotia plans for in-stream tidal energy projects to one day generate 300 MW or 10% of the province's current power supply.