Aird & Berlis Partners Recognized as IP STARS by Managing Intellectual Property

Three members of the Aird & Berlis Intellectual Property Group have been recognized in the 2020 edition of IP STARS, Managing Intellectual Property’s guide to the world's leading IP firms and practitioners.
Practice Group Leader of the firm’s Intellectual Property Group Timothy Lowman is named as a Trademark star. Tim has more than 40 years of experience as counsel in a broad range of commercial and intellectual property litigation, including patent, trademark, copyright, trade secrets, invention ownership and product liability.
Fellow partner Ken Clark is also recognized as a Trademark star. With a background in engineering and broad experience as a barrister and solicitor in intellectual property, technology and energy law matters, Ken excels at articulating legal concepts and technical matters in a way that is easy for clients and judges to understand.
In addition, partner Trent Horne is recognized as both a Trademark and Patent star. Trent has been guiding clients to successful resolution of intellectual property disputes for over 20 years. He has appeared as lead counsel in a wide range of intellectual property matters at the tribunal, trial and appellate level.
Aird & Berlis is also proud to be recognized in the guide as a notable Canadian firm for contentious trademark and patent matters.
The combined intellectual property team of Aird & Berlis LLP and Aird & McBurney LP provides seamless legal and patent agency services to clients ranging from startups to multinational corporations.